Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chad, Part 2-The DEVIL-NO FEAR

       So now he's moved in and we have what's known as the honeymoon period and I was told his MHP, Mental Health Professional will stop by once a week. By The Way, when I mentioned having a masters degree meant nothing, that's just my personal opinion. I have seen about four to five people who get the title MHP after only a month of training. Some deserve that title simply and I don't really mean simply, after teaching in schools for fifteen years like my latest MHP, but others like many in social work, use this position as a stepping stone to other fields. So to add a title like MHP to a resume makes them sound like they knew what they were doing.

      Okay back to Chad. That poor kid was stuck with me, a newbie who thought parenting your own  made you an expert on other kids coming into your home. Not by a long shot. Well I really liked this little guy, and we had fun which I love doing with kid, and making sure they have enough to eat, sleep well, and are safe.
On the way home one day he asks me if I knew about the devil. I said well, I heard of him, and let "Chad" talk. He told me of a place he stayed at,a home for unruly boys, and shortly before Halloween one night a staffer is outside his window. Chad doesn't see or hear anyone. Now this is a kid who was dropped off on a city street at the age of four, lived in a crack house while parents got stoned and drunk.

       It was dark out and he was living there just a few weeks. Suddenly two hands smack at the window and a deep Red DEVIL's face is pressed against the window. Chad was eight or nine, and let out a scream as other staff, laughing came in and told him soemone was playing a joke. Isn't that kool? Isn't that funny? These adults,a word I use with caution, were in charge of kids already damaged, and helping them along, to almost insure they would continue on that crooked road. Chad never forgot that experience and even though he logically knew it was a joke, he became so frightened of the dark, the devil,  and noises that it took a ton of med to help him sleep.

        Over a period of time as he relaxed in my home, he showed what he had inside of him, from sweetness to a charmer to an angry, angry child like a boil festering at the least little thing that didn't seem to go right that day. Then it would come,his explosions, the terror of his anger with destruction unlike any I experienced, with the exception of my own father, but this was a ten year-old!
I asked myself how could a ten year old do this and think it was okay. What I've learned is they don't have any fear of serious repercussions, and through each time they move they pass on to other kids this: hey they can't do anything to you, they're not your real parents, they can't spank you-and there it is, they can't spank you. No fear of being treated anything like the parents. With rules we have to follow, we have to feed, clothe, give allowance for no reason at all, take to doctors, and more.  A whole lot better than home and  there are guidelines, so once a child knows this at some point the honeymoon is over and then they really move in.

       I'm good with all those rules, except allowance, but we can save it for them so they don't have to get it in their hands each week, or buy savings bonds. But even in care, there are parents who don't abide by the rules and get away with it.
So what I learned about Chad was, he was used to moving on, like so many kids are and I've seen so many commercials where kids they I always had things taken away from me, and I remember always having to move. Pulls at your heart?

         What those nice kids aren't saying is the destruction they caused, and definitely not all, but a lot of them. They don't tell you how they broke your possessions and stole, broke into your room, into your computer, put a large sized kid hole in your wall, gave your phone number out to anyone who wanted it. lied over and over, broke your heater, poked holes in walls with sticks, peed on the floor, smeared feces on walls, felt sick and would refuse to go in the bathroom, threaten to kill you or themselves just for trying to get you mad. They won't tell you how they keyed your vehicle, cut up pictures and the trail of destruction.
How easily they forget. No I am not angry about all this, but those are just commercials selling a product, like all commercials are, and never ever tell the complete truth. Chard part 3 con't tomorrow


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