Friday, November 26, 2010

Did JESUS go Christmas SHOPPING?

       My only purpose in this is not to be sarcastic, but if you really believe in Jesus, is this what he did every year and his people for December 25th? So okay, the bottom line purpose is to help people keep their money for their own use, not spend like on a drug induced high or drunken sailor, but to know you have money after the holidays for bills, food, rent or mortgage. Where in the Bible does it talk about Christmas shopping?
              Please let me tell ya, I am by far perfect, but from what I see all around me, knowing the utility companies are raising prices, and grocery stores have already done that, gas for your car, clothes, hospitals, doctor offices, lawyers, counselors. Let's help now with all of this, do not spend with the exception of one gift per person if you have to including children. Sure they expect a bunch of toys, but why? Because it's what they've been taught-so unteach, then reteach.

         Let's start with utilities. I know you know this, but keep it very low at night, turn it off-yes, off, during the day, unplug those outlets you don't use. When you come home and the kids will be chilly, keep them busy until the heat comes up and make them dress warmer, after all it isn't summer. A boy I have here told me I need to turn the heat up-he had on a pair of summer shorts and a short sleeve shirt. Guess who won that?
          Gas for your car: Make a weekly list of errands and groceries-now rethink and plan it out so it works as spending less time in the car, less stress, less gas.
             That grocery list: write out a menu, then write out the groceries you need according to the list.
             Counselors: This is a doozy- How many really good friends do you have? Use them, and use them for your kids too. Write up a contract for privacy, help each other that same way, save a trip, gas, time, and stress. Also look at how when you see a counselor, they are checking the time-so how well do they really listen? If you need meds, see your regular doctor. Yes, he or she can prescribe meds for depression and many other psychotic meds. I have worked with people who have that need, so you can do it too.
               The doctor visit: Ask and you will receive, and yes the doctor will give you a discount on your visit.
              Need a lawyer?  Sit down with him or her and know what you will be paying. Many times after a contract is signed you feel you don't understand it, then get a bill for other services, like a steno, phone calls, copies of doctor bills and more. Let your lawyer know, you don't want to end up like that so be clear, set a legal budget.
               Hospitals-4.00 for one aspirin? Criminal-if you are able bring a note pad and keep track of what you are given, and you can appeal your bill and at the end, you can even negotiate .

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