Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to Easily Save Someone's Home From Losing it.

I heard about this one day on a very good show. A church in the South took up a collection for a married older couple who were losing their home. He was retired early due to an illness and she simply didn't make enough to keep paying the mortgage. Soon they fell into ch 13 which appeared okay for a while and does help to save many homes as long as the income stays the same and no emergencies pop up as life so often does happen.

This church took a collection and on that one Sunday collected over 47, 000. to pay off their home. On that Sunday if I have it correct what was left from that offering went into a once a "month mortgage collection" to help those in jeopardy. The people who received that blessing then gave the price of their regular mortgage each month to help others.

So when you can, if you can, suggest that to your church, and really help the community by helping a community person/s stay where they are. Let's stop helping lawyers "help" people file bankruptcy, and lose their home anyway. When people remain in the community where they live, they care more, help more, live and love more. Help them help.

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