Monday, November 8, 2010

This Little Bench

What a difference a little bench makes. A lady saw his at a craft show I was part of and asked me to make one similar. For the last three years I couldn't sell a bag of poop, but this little bench brought many people to my tables. No one bought it, but it was a good conversation starter, and the first words were, did you do this? Yes, I did I said, inside proud, smiling as big as a lop-sided moon.
Well the lady who ordered a bench spoke to me with such kindness as she asked how well I did. I didn't do well at all with selling benches or anything else-until this weekend. Why? I think because I finally listened to others tell me what I needed to do to improve in appearance, and product. I was told by a business associate,(he used that word) don't love your product, but love the people. But I do love the product. When I make it, I see a person who kind of fits the item. But I knew this weekend what he meant. As I thought of the economy I thought about people who may not afford gifts and how could I make a difference. Well the same way the made a difference. I sold so many cheapies and they were so happy. I stopped thinking, no, I worked too hard. That was no longer what mattered. What mattered was making people happy as what was once my career.
Happiness counts, it sure does.

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