Friday, November 26, 2010

           I Was Only Meant To Be… For Michael

 I was only meant to be your mother, I knew this long ago
As I held you in my arms, and said I loved you so
You were my little baby boy, I held you day and night
Never wanting to let go or even out of sight.
When you weren’t in my arms I held you on my knee
Thinking I’d have you always, sitting alongside of me
Soon the years have passed; you grew up all too soon
And now I sit without you, wishing by the moon.
I wish you have the love, as I have found in you
When you hold your baby boy the way that I did too,
I hope you share the silly times, serious and more
Always let him know to you, is an open door.
Take him to a baseball game because we really cared
 About the love as family, we have always shared.
We each ate a hot dog and a beer or two
took a crazy taxi ride, a first for me and you.
I was only meant to be, your mother long ago
But loving you forever, have I told you so?


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