Friday, November 26, 2010

I was Only Meant To Be...For Jenny

I Was Only Meant to Be…
For Jenny

I was only meant to be your mother,
from the day that you were born
I held you in my arms, keeping you forever warm
I held you close beside me, tucked you in at night
just to pick you up again, keeping you in my sight.
I was only meant to be your mother
Any time of day
And when the night closed in, I was there to say
I loved you my baby daughter then and now you see
I know you’re all grown up, a baby off my knee.

But I kept the memories that you gave me, a mother I was sure
as I was only meant to be, the mother at your door.
I was only meant to be a mother, just for you to know
Because my baby daughter, it’s you who I love so.

Nancy Costa 11/26/2010

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