Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Millionaire Minister-Stan Irish-Ch.1Saint or Sinister

       He grew up in New York, son of a small time mobster. As a kid he was often teased because he just wasn't as tough as his brothers and sisters. His name was Ben, and he was the most gentle of  all the boys in the neighborhood. From the time Ben was seven everyone knew he was different. He was just as different as his father was. Most mobsters were Catholic always going to church to be forgiven from some Priest after confession. Yeah, that's just makes everything as sweet as pie, and pure as a new born baby. Ben father's name was Stan Irish, and he wasn't Irish at all. Actually Stan was a Dane.
        As a kid Ben Irish came to the states from Denmark with his mom and dad and four brothers, and two sisters. Right away the family went into the restaurant business, but it was all too much for Ben's mom. Lillian Irish died when Ben was nine years -old. The doctor said it was heart failure from exhaustion. Ben's dad insisted the family stay strong and decided to take the kids out of school, and home school while working at the restaurant. Home schooling was almost unheard of, but Stan Irish felt he and his kids could do anything and they did.
       What the Irish family sons didn't know was Stan Irish started playing the numbers. Stan did very well gambling for a long time, then he bottomed out. Stan took a loan out from an old friend who used to frequent the Irish restaurant just about every day. That friend was another neigborhood businessman, by the name of  Harry. Harry's business? Harry owned all of the, First Cleaner's Company on the East Coast and growing. Yes, Harry was the guy who offered protection.

         One Tuesday afternoon when Ben came in after picking up a crate of fresh fish, he found his dad laying on the floor in the kitchen with Stan's face so badly beaten that Ben barely knew him. Immediately he called the police even as Stan mumbled a dozen no's. The police showed and Stan Irish never answered any questions, but was taken away in an ambulance. Ben stood there crying when he felt a fat hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Harry. Harry cradled little Ben as Ben swore he would find whoever beat up his dad and would beat him up too.
Harry let out a huge bellow of laughter telling Ben how everyone knew how gentle a kid he was. Ben just cried.
           In the weeks ahead  Stan Irish lay between life and death, and his kids all chipped in and kept the restaurant, and home going. What they didn't know was, as they ordered supplies, and paid suppliers, it all came from Harry, a vicious cycle. It was Harry who kept things going for the family. It was Harry who knew what a valuable piece of property that Stan Irish's restaurant sat on. Harry had a lot of time, but did Stan Irish?

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