Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Talents Left Unfounded...Until someone

Until someone discovers your talent, a person can go for years thinking he or she is without a particular talent. I've known someone for may years and it's only the past few years off and on that we had little chats here and there.
Neither that person nor I knew how great that talent is until a closer look, or second look saw just how much talent it took.When I mentioned it to the person, it was shrugged off as if anyone could do it. I know talent runs in the family, as well as brains and more, but it's those who appear indifferent to what they have or may not know they have, well, those talented people can soar and I expect will, to such unimaginable heights.
In mentioning this to that person, I recently received a response and once more was astounded. I sat and read, then read again at the writing, that persons written message. I remembered leaning back in my chair thinking, how, how does this go un-noticed-or maybe it didn't, but I just didn't know about it and I have to find out.
Within those written words is a heart of sincerity, kindness, selflessness, intelligence and a brain which will only grow to depths as anyone who has been touched in life by a God-given talent, a solid foundation of love and support, unconditional. I can only hope I am here for many more years to see that talent nurture, mature and grow into only what is meant to be. I am so thankful to know this wonderful person.

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