Saturday, November 27, 2010

St. Judes Makes Sense- A DSI? or 228.

      What makes sense? To spend 228. or 19.a month to St. Judes, a children's hospital where no child is ever turned away, or buying a child a DSI as an example, for the same amount of money. Make a child happy for Christmas or a lifetime? No choice in that. Where do these toys come from and where does the profit go? You know where your child came from, and the profit? Saving a child's life at St. Judes is immeasurable.
          I use a DSI as a comparison on the decisions many of us make at this time of year, and I too battle with this stuff, but never, ever would I spend the kind of money parents spend on electronics for kids. If you have to feel as if you have to shower gifts this time of year, please go small, original, get things they have to use their hands and minds with, and maybe think about a donation to St. Judes children hospital, please. Kids make our hearts what they become. By helping a child fully develop, we too fully develop. How many hospitals have you heard say they can't do a certain procedure because of insurance? St. Judes doesn't say that.  What they have said is, welcome. Just a thought. Oh, if you can't afford to do that, maybe just buy a blanket for someone who isn't as warm as some of us are. Thanks

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