Thursday, November 25, 2010

Garth Brooks new unpublished song?

I looked a little closer to see my baby girl
I knew then that you would, give me a brand new world
The you in you I still see, almost grown to be
the child that was chosen, for your mom and me.

Sitting back I remember, the day that you were born
And now you’re going to, your first High School prom
I still see the you in you, so never let it go
My daughter you were born to keep, the you that you made so.

I looked a little closer as I walked you down the aisle
Seeing from another time a new born baby’s smile
And then I knew that you kept, the you in you through time
You’ll always be the, you we love, you are your mother’s child.

Now I walk you to a life, proudly on my arm
From a baby’s cradle to a high school prom
From the you, you kept inside
Walking down the aisle
To a proud young lady my heart now so torn
As I walk you down the aisle to your husband’s arm….

Nancy L. Costa

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