Friday, November 5, 2010

Yes, You Can buy ALL AMERICAN Products NOw

I know it may not be popular, but since our men and women are losing jobs because the big shots continue to let jobs go overseas. Here is how this year for the holidays you can make a step towards saving AMERICA.
Craft shows. YOU would be amazed at what they have, from clothes to useful products to fun items. Another way is give a grocery gift card, or pay a utility bill. Yes, I make and sell crafts, but that isn't why I say all of this. I don't make a living from it as some do, but most crafters work very hard at their product and you'll get a one hundred percent made AMERICAN product. Okay sometime crews and things like that come from China, but I am now searching for AMERICAN made screws-after all hasn't the government screwed enough AMERICANS-let's turn the tables by supporting our own AMERICANS, by really buying AMERICAN. Before you buy any product that you think is so great, call the company. You will see and hear, MADE IN CHINA.
I understand companies having to move to another state, but I don't get it moving to another country and then we buy that product after they sold out. Survival? BULL...plain old fashioned GREED.

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