Friday, November 5, 2010

Two Amazing Ladies Today

I was part of a craft show today at a very old church. I participated this time with a different attitude as far as believing I would see this time. Prior to going I remembered a few things some ladies told me from before, which would help, and went on line to look for more suggestions. I like the people that are part of that old church, maybe because I only see them once a year as they do me. If we really knew one another would we feel the same?
Okay, back on track. Today I found myself listen as well as sharing in getting to know vendors more and it the kind of thing that makes you remember how many people have the same or worse kind of life. Still the day was going well. I joked around with everyone, gave some things away, had a lot of cheapies and it was the cheapies that started it.

Here came a little lady who said, I'm buying all of these signs;I like signs. She grabbed six at a buck each. I said Five is good. She smiled then walked over to where I had more signs which were nicer at five each, still very inexpensive. The idea today was twofold, to not bring them home again, and also give someone a break in this economy. This lady started to tell me how she was visiting her daughter-in-law soon for a month as she was a grandmother and her grandchildren needed her and need to know her. Then she started to talk about God and the spiritual importance of connecting with your grandchildren and how her son wanted his mom to move out to Colorado with them. That she didn't want, but her home here is sold and she isn't too sure where she'll move, but she knows and has told me as much, as long as she keeps God in her life and prays, prays for those who need her and those who think they don't, she will be fine. AT the end she said, come see me, I live just over the hill and on. I smiled and said I would. I think I will.

It was less than an hour later another lady came along. She loved my benches, asked if she could order one. I never take orders, afraid to commit .
I know myself, yet as I stood looking at this lady who never, not for a second took her eyes away from mine, found myself starting to say, uh nnn..yeah sure. It was then we went over measures, colors, stencils, size and price-she said I was too cheap. She gave me a lot of wonderful advice to succeed much further in the coming year and I am going to take it. She told me of her life in business and how she really made it. Something about not only her words, butt fact that she never looked away, always had eye contact with me. I felt one moment when she was trying to see inside of me. Softly she continued to look at me and then say, I'm a cancer survivor. For the first time all day I was quiet. This lady was one of Two Amazing ladies who I was so very fortunate to meet.

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