Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who is McColgan ?

For starters he is a genuine good guy, all around great brother and son, now married for about seven years. In these times of hard economic worries he is the one to call, and no, not for financial planning. His only concern now is financial planning for his first son to be born in March sometime. He would love a 17th of March baby Mc boy, but he will first be happy as pig in mud to have a healthy son.
Okay so you may think big deal, lots of people have sons. All true. But this son, Mike McColgan according to doctors wasn't supposed to ever get off the table after his accident when he was eighteen. He wasn't going to walk again or if lucky might sit up. But they were all completely wrong. After learning what I have learned from that as his mom, it is in the spirit of don't get your hopes up mom, I believe, but I also do believe in miracles.
The story and our connection is too long to go into it now, and I would also like to ask his permission to tell that "whole" story, even though it's also mine and his sisters. So now as a mom, yes, strange maybe, but as his mom, I am asking those of you who could afford to, only those who can afford to,( well it's free, sorry) to look at this and then http://McColganphoto.com decide how he can serve your interests best. He was just here in PA. did a bike race in Md. does fundraising for cancer with his wife, and does fundraising for kids at risk.
Mike is all for helping out those who try to help themselves and for those who for whatever reason can't. He climbed Mt. Baker for kids, raised fifteen hundred dollars and almost not reaching that goal, set up a pancake breakfast using his own money and with his wife sold enough breakfasts to meet that goal. I know he will give you a better price and he does travel at no extra cost as is my understanding, after all, it's his business, so please help support a soon to be new dad.

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