Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Simmons Beautyrest, A Good Night's Sleep

I really do need a Simmons Beautyrest, but simply can't afford it. Some years ago I had a few back surgeries, and a doctor left a piece of plastic, blood vessel clips, and staples in my back, causing me to have another one a few years later to remove "something" I felt scratching me from the inside. No, I didn't sue. But in a way I wish I did so I could now have a SIMMONS BEAUTYREST!
YOU know how it is when you go to a hotel and seem to sleep better? Well each time I did I'd either forget to look at the kind of mattress I slept on, or just couldn't find the label, A Big Secret. One thing I noticed was, most hotels put their mattresses on a wooden platform, possibly for more support, less bounce, and longer durability?
So two years ago my son and I went to New York to see a Yankee Game, and as we were leaving after only five hours sleep, I yelled wait! I have to see the Mattress tag and swooped the mattress up by the handles, and finally, there it was. Simmons Beautyrest. My son stood there laughing as he said, because of how I picked the mattress up, but I was a determined woman and just had to know. You know how that is. Simmons! Take Me Away! I won't settle for less as twice I thought I bought the best. I got the mattress home, slept four nights, and the store took it back minus a hundred dollars I paid for another one. Still, I could have kept my old one. Nothing like the SIMMONS. Think of how many people sleep on those beds and how they hold up. Yes, I know they're made for hotels, but mine sure cant even come close. They all feel good at the store, then...you know the rest of the story.

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