Thursday, November 25, 2010

I dare ya! Save a home this Holiday

Remember that old saying, I dare ya? How many dares have we taken in the years growing up from friends who would never take that dare. If memory serves me right, I hardly took any dares, too afraid. I knew if it was a Dare like jump too high, I'd fall and wet my pants laughing. Still do that part.
So what is it you dare to do outside of the friends group, or popular group? Yes, I know how insulting this sounds. But look how many people do things because the population is doing it? What if you said no. What if you said, I'm going to feed the poor, the lonely, the sick, the unemployed, the elderly, the disabled and do better this year than decorate my house, than buy a bunch of gifts no one really appreciates and will take back anyway. Do something worth while instead. Do something because that is what's really in you. I dare ya! I double dare ya!

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