Friday, November 26, 2010

Save Health Save Money Stress Spending-DEALS?

         I feel it's my duty-almost to remind people not to get caught up in the holiday stress spending. It's never a DEAL when you over spend your health. I'm keeping this short and simple. If you feel you have to be part of the, season spending the usual way-RETHINK YOUR HEALTH, MONEY AND JOB.
             When it's all over how will you feel? How will your savings look or will you have credit card bills coming in too? Last but not least, do you know one hundred percent, that your job will still be there for you in the next three years?
Because that's how long it takes most people to pay it off, especially when an emergency happens, like an illness, a car breaking down, or worse a funeral. Wouldn't it be nice to start the NEW YEAR without knowing, oh  God, how in the world am I going to pay all this off?
              Do you have birthdays right after the holidays or an anniversary or something else to spend your hard earned money on. Please RE-EVALUATE
One gift if you have to, yes, even children, and then use your money on the sick, elderly, disabled, charity if you have to spend it, or buy your self grocery gift cards, gas gift cards. It feels just like a savings account. Aren't you worth it?

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