Friday, December 17, 2010

Why God Gave Me...

      Mike and Jenny, my two kids. He gave them to me, picked me, chose me to show me how great life can be in the second quarter. I sure didn't believe it the first quarter. All I seemed to focus on were people who were greedy and selfish with of course some exceptions, like Pastor Don, Mr. Vitalo, and Mr. Korsun a neighbor who lived up the street. He was someone I not only talked to every day, but was able to re meet him again years later. We renewed an old friendship.
      Mr Korsun was Jewish, Mr. Vitalo Italian and Catholic, and Pastor Don Lutheran and Swedish/Norwegian. All three men had an important place in my life as did a few close friends, mainly Sandra Baylor. Even as close as we were, there was always a secret we had in our lives that we never shared until we knew it was safe. When was that? When everyone was gone and could no longer hurt us in one way or another.
        So of course we become jaded, but I have always been thankful for my kids and have forever had to wonder to my kids, I don't know why God gave you to me, but yeah I do. He gave me them to show me how each period in my life has only become better because of my kids, and because of my kids I have a reason to find good in life all over again. Happy New Year everyone old and new, young and old!

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