Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Hardest Thing To Do is...

    Ask; asking for anything is hard, but asking because you think you might be pestering people is worse. Asking for someone else is always easier, but always better no matter what if you can do it on your own, without help, without feeling like you owe, because either you do or will owe in time, money or repayment some way, shape or form. No one likes to owe anyone. I don't mind ever helping or ever giving.  This also depends on having a conscience or not. If you can sleep at night knowing you took, took, and took some more, without ever paying it back, your conscience was left behind somewhere.
         It's all about how much can you help or give without messing yourself up. So the bottom line that I have learned and am sticking to, is what I heard on TV the other day. Basically " knowledge used properly" will get you where you need to be. So if you know stuff and just say screw it-that "it" will screw you. So I know Christmas is almost here, and so many wants gifts and a great holiday, but if you have money for your bills, pay them. If you need clothes or your kids need clothes, a doctor visit, or you need tires, take care of that first, you'll sleep better. You and your family might be a little unhappy if your used to having a lot of gifts and/or traveling, but at what cost. This is easy for me to say; to be honest I have done the feel good stuff now, but had to pay the piper later, and that feel good stuff suddenly didn't feel so good...so use your knowledge!
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