Monday, December 6, 2010

Noise Out, Happiness In, No tree this year

         What has happened to those quiet afternoons, Saturday evenings, your home where you should be able to come inside, sit and relax after a hard day of working. You should also simply be able to have peace and quiet even if you're a stay at home mom or dad. Here is the problem. Too many things, too much stuff, always looking to be happy with stuff. I have to go back to a chat I had with a young man a little while back when we got on the subject of the holidays coming up.

         Isn't it better to give, really give, and not expect in return, not even expect a pat on the back. Do it because it's right, because you are a person who doesn't want to be in the place of a person on the street or eating at a mission, or standing on a corner asking for handouts. Do it because you want to change someones life for the better, not use your hard earned money to buy a noisy gadget, batteries and so costly you could put a set of tires on your car, or pay a utility bill or rent. You get the point. I am a late learner, but it's never too late.
         A Christmas tree costs about forty dollars. Forty dollars will pay a water bill, a phone bill, will buy groceries for about six days if you shop careful, will buy a warm coat, two blankets, a pair of boots, two paid of sneakers or four depending on where you shop. Take the noise out and put happiness back in, Take the noise out and help someone else or yourself in a better more practical way.
By the way, I am not getting a tree this year. After all, I have to start with me.

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