Friday, December 10, 2010

Run To Yourself & Don't Stop...clep

       Do you ever feel as if what you do and who you are doesn't matter? Lots of people feel just like you, and they try to run away from themselves, but all they find in the end is they are still, who they are. Don't try to be someone else. It never works! While people do change through their lifetimes, the you in you will always be there. The YOU is who you see each day in the mirror. Unless you're a criminal, who you are is a very valuable person.
       What ever obstacle you are facing, approach as if you were giving someone else advice, then take it. Have a dream? Make it happen. It might not happen in this moment, most dreams take years to work on to make them come true, but they happen, so don't ever give up!
         Don't stay stuck; Either in a relationship, a job, a town, or even in college as college is expensive, so make it work for you. Did you ever hear of clepping? You can Clep classes for a fraction of the price of a class. Check it out. It would be nice if we could clep ourselves, a short trip to finishing a  class, but the trip of LIFE's up's and down's prove worth it as you near the middle. Experience is the best teacher if you're getting a lesson you take and learn from. Now put your jogging sneakers on and run to your self. You're worth the jog!

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