Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Bible vs. The Farmers Almanac

          No I am not crazy! Well, some would differ. A little while ago I was watching Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella...whew! Doom and Gloom. At one point Rexella holds up a Big Beautiful Bible in Gold lettering and Gold Pages to sell, and in the next breath tells viewers how we viewers want to buy everything, and that was after Jack just finished telling people how the end is near. If I was crazy before that show, I am certified now. I don't usually watch that. I was bored for a few minutes. The announcer I have to say reminds me of a bigger Ricardo Montabalm/n? With the hairpiece of Charlton Heston, but thicker, still a very good looking man. Okay back to the subject.

      So a question I have for people who say the Bible isn't true, such as scientists for example, why is it they believe the Farmers Almanac. Is the Farmers Almanac a prediction of weather and crops to come because of history, so then what about the Bible? The men who wrote is say it is inspired by the word of God. God is who or what they believe in because of some thing or person they witnessed, heard about or have known about from history, so what is it about the Bible that makes many either afraid, or twist it so much to our own beliefs, that it continues to be a changed book, for example: Bibles for men, for women, for kids and I'm sure more. All this does is give different interpretation to those specific Bibles.

      By far I am not an expert and don't mean to sound mean spirited if I do, just wondering how people come to believe what they do. I love to watch and listen to Charles Stanley. He is a teacher and by appearances lives by what he preaches. Yes, I know he's divorced, but hasn't remarried. Hope for me? I had a brother who used to let me know what it says in the Bible and he was good enough to allow his wife to have all of his time on Sundays, but he never knew what I knew about his other side of life, like his wife who was a Christian who had a boyfriend while married. Yes, they divorced and he was so emotional hurt for such a long time, but he also never saw that his business life took place of a marriage. RIP Brother.

      I am someone who watches Christians. Once burned by anyone or many one, a person gets a bit more skeptical, I know I have.  But the past so many years I have been very fortunate to know a family who is a regular in life but who has set an example of true Christainity without shoving it down my throat-finally. I haven't seen in these people that example of, no I can't bother with you after all you are not doing what we expect. They just are who they are, no pretense. No conditions to friendship even though I had to learn friendship is not the word I thought it was meant to be. I never expect anything from anyone-I have learned. So when you think of friendship, be careful. It isn't the same for everyone. But if you have a friend who happens to have a faith, a faith that is deep, realistic, helpful, sets an example, not hypocritical, be there for them too as they would be for you-when and if they can, after all it might rain tomorrow, your basement floods and you didn't know it because you didn't read the Almanac and you didn't pray for sun.

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