Thursday, November 28, 2013

Uncomfortable Craps :)

             I know, not PC, but who really cares? It's me taking some silly time. Now that It's holiday time, guest coming over and you visiting different homes, you will find yourself with that uh oh feeling. Uh Oh, I gotta go, but I can't. What if I smell up the bathroom? But if I don't go what if I blast a fart or worse a Hershey squirt ??? All of those thoughts go through your head.
      So here's a suggestion, buy a small bottle of either spray perfume, man or women or oils, like peppermint, rose, vanilla and then when you, let loose, flush, wash and drop a few drops on the floor, towel, or on a roll.
   Happy Thanksgiving and watch those greasy foods. When you least expect it...the bowels neglect it...

Gobble up

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Prayer for a Bear?

     I'll send you a prayer if you send me a bear :) I need about 45. That was the number given when I asked how many ladies (18 to ? ) will live at a place/center by New Years. Right now I have 12-so-33 more needed. Thank you.

Bear Tags-will B removed

Imagine getting one of these to help through the night, the lonliness and hard times, a bear to cry to, to talk with without judging you. These are what I have  so far and I will remove all tags before delivery. I know some people think about collectibles-without tags, it isn't teh same if  a person were to try to sell. Just being careful. Want to start the New Year Off better? I need your bear :)

Calling all Bears

       Hey Peeps, They don't judge

            I am asking for bears. I will buy and accept for free. Some I buy to be honest I will use on my web site where I sell (joke sorta-rarely sell) bags and will put a bag in a bear, but only those I buy and only small ones.
    Right now I have three huge bears and about ten small ones. I bought them all and am buying about 20 more next week, well maybe ten, I'll see. One lady will be giving me about ten also next week and letting me buy one.
    The purpose of this is: As fast as I can sew, I am making bags and blankets, will wrap a bear in a blanket or put him-or her-in a bag that I made and give away to women and young girls in crisis situations. I know one young lady who it helped very much during lonely times to have a bear to hug.
    So some of you know where I live and many don't, but contact me at  I will be glad to pick them up, wanting to start New Years off with a BEAR HUG
    I will probablt post this every evening :) Thank you

Selig, A-rod and a KID !!!! Throw the garbage out !

        Isn't baseball about kids and their dreams ? What kind of a loser uses a kid to think he's placing attention on A-Rod?
       Selig should be put in the hall of shame. What ever A-Rod has or hasn't done is no reason to use a kid. What kind of impression does this leave on that boy? We talk as parents and also as base ball players and coaches to be good sports. This is not what a good sport does. This is not good adult leadership. Lead by example ? HELL no!!!
     Selig needs to get a huge fine for using a child this way. Last note, what does this also say about the boy's parents and for the sake of argument, let's say the parents weren't there and this happened. Then the parents need to take action against a cowardly, misjudged action against a grown and wealthy business who used a kid. If the parents were there, where are there morals, unless they were paid, and again, where are there morals. fine them too. This boy has to know and learn this was so wrong on Selig's part.
   As far as A-Rod goes, if he broke the law, deal with that. These sports players need to be thrown out of the game, first offense ! Why, because they are grown men who know right from wrong and kids are watching and listening to arguments of adults as to why they should be given second and third chances.
   When kids see and hear what they do, they think that if they do wrong, and knowingly, they too should be given more chances with very little consequences.
There are too many young people who can play any sports game and not get involved in beating/assaulting women, who don't get into drugs, and DUI"S and more. Too many sport celebrities are good guys and gals. Reward them by throwing out the garbage !!! Stop accepting mediocre !

Hand Me Downs

       Somehow out of boredom this morning I opened a page on line about buying new vs. second hand and hand me downs. First people before I forget why not start a neighborhood club where stay at home parents meet to exchange clothes that no longer fit? It can also be to meet for other helping things, like needing an emergency sitter, cooking a couple of dinner and yes I know that babysitting stuff is so hard with all of the loose nuts aka pedophiles walking around in saints clothing.
        For the second time in a few years I went to a local salvation Army store to look for craft ideas and noticed many young women buying armfuls of clothes.
Kids grow, your wallet doesn't. Spend less and keep your money where it's needed more ? Shop thrift store, friends, family and neighbors. Of course there may be one drawback. Some snotty kid might say-hey that used to be mine and you can add designs, patches etc. to disguise a bit :) Happy saving.
     Last thought-save your sanity while keeping your money closer, Stay home this Friday.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Obama & Duck Dynasty

      One thing they have in common. They wear fatigues or disguises. I just read how Warren Buffet would just redo the whole omama don't care act an a woman who wrote a book and who read the complete 2572 pages of this crapola tells how, you, well some may beat this crap. Yet she also tells how seniors citizens better get things done now like knee surgery, knee replacements, cataract surgery and more before Obama don't care covers planet USA.
      Of course and as usual the people who like this have friends or family who have been affected by it in a positive way, but the majority of us won't be. Companies have already dropped insurance for employees and many more will do the same and cut hours.
     Now let's put Obama and his whole bunch of cronies or phonies in the swamp with those duck dynasty guys. Let's see who recovers first. Strip away their money, cars, credit cards, fancy parties, salons, manicures, vacations, big bank accounts and medical coverage and switch to the  area before duck dynasty became rich. Let them live like everyday people from a part of the country where real people live.
    Or, put them in the guts of New York, let them find a job, starting with forty bucks in their pocket and sleep ten to a one room apartment like those who come from Pakistan to drive cabs, open seven elevens etc. Nothing else, just forty bucks, no drivers license, no haircuts, no fancy clothes and see how they manage. Better yet make them street sweepers. Isn't that what this government is doing to us, sweeping our rights away?

Smart Card Medical, We made it-don't use it

     I was listening and to some extent I still am. Stopping on PCN I see man standing, looking at  a screen and showing how in Taiwan patients walk in to see their doctors and hand in a smart card-we in the united states created this card !!! He is at Millersville University in Pa. The Smart Card, is what we created !!!
    It climates paperwork, time and much more. Here is how it works, simple as I stated, walk in hand the doctor the card. He or she inserts it into a card reader and all of the patients health information pops up on a screen. After treatment the bill is sent immediately to a company and is paid within a week.
   We are over 17 trillion in debt due to health care and our governments' mishandling the United States issues. What are they wasting our money on ? web sites? Robots would do a better job. Oh I forgot, when some guy/politician/woman stands up and states, I accept full responsibility-WHAT the FUG does that mean ? Not a FUGGING thing ! Why because they are just words-as usual. we tell kids to accept responsibility which also means a kind of consequence. What consequences do these phony Bull chitters get ? a Raise.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Saliva on Duck Calls? Duck Dynasty

   That Robertson family show is entertaining and I enjoy it from time to time-all of them. But people, come on now. Have you watched how they test the duck calls?
      Each and every one is blowing, in one of those guys' mouths. SPIT-Saliva-germs, and, who knows what else. Si drinks tea all day and night, makes ducks call, drinks tea, back washes? ...and yep into a duck call.
     Can't they use some kind of machine or machines. There are machines to blow up balloons, why not duck calls? Uh, just thought of one very important thing...maybe this is a guy thing, like peeing and leaving the seat up, or missing the pot completely. Washes hands after restrooms? Handling duck calls?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

It Only Takes You

       How much we have or how little we have, we have a lot if someone loves us, if everyone has reasonably good health and if you haven't recently lost someone, then you and I have a lot.  But if any of these things affect you or someone you know, then what do you do? What?
       I don't know what really but I do know those who have a real serious faith do much better than those who don't. How do we believe someone is in heaven when they didn't lead a heavenly life you might ask...well, maybe because they had a heavenly heart. Only God really knows.
     Right now I know a man who cares for his uncle's needs in many ways and the uncle is in his eighties. This man is fighting cancer, yet he runs, walks, golfs and who knows what more he's doing. The nephews is so proud of his uncle. That's also faith. They just never quit.
        Now there are hungry people, and people who simply need a friend. Just be careful how you approach them. People have pride and don't like charity. Yes, I know pride goeth before the fall. Haven't we all tripped one time or another? Still there are also people who are lonely, lonely in their own family and those who are so wealthy they become cold hearted and sometimes the poor are as bad, due to pride, but find a way and not because it's a holiday, but because we are human.
        Know too that many people do not have any religious affiliation at all, don't believe in God at all or a higher power. It takes one moment of friendship,one small miracle, one birth, one saved life to show that miracles to come. That works the opposite when someone dies especially a young person. How do you tell a mom or dad and more that there is a purpose to this, much less God had a hand in it? You don't. You let them grieve and talk out as they need to, say what they feel and be there, for  a very long time.
          Remember if someone loves you, even if they're not physically close you have more than many, so be more than many to just one person, any day of the year. Here's to you Victoria and Samantha !

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


      PA. representative Seth Grove who I met one time and even then couldn't be up front with a kid, voted for the gas hike in PA. the highest in the nation as it was announced on the news tonight. He isn't making 7.00 an hour. How does he expect the poor and middle income to pay for gas at the rate it will be, and go to work, pay baby sitters, buy groceries and pay utilities along with every day living expenses.
      We will just have more people on WELFARE because they can't afford to go to work. But hell, Good old Chubby Seth Grove doesn't care and he sure did beef up since I last saw him, must be eating well, and yes I know poor people are fat too,, so I am, big deal. It's more fun to call a fat mouth, fat head when he is voting to raise a gas tax to repair roads. Ten or fifteen cents is fine, but 78 cents or 85 ???
       He cannot tell people in Pennsylvania that he cares. He only cares about his own wallet. Next election will be here again, just not soon enough.

Now this guy ACOSTA will not be voting for the PA. gas tax. I never heard of him before, but I know who will replace Old GROVE who is too fat-in the wallet- too soon. Who is he representing ? NOT PA. Must be his bank account and teh good ol'boys.

Kids Dying for HElP=MHMR

      We have the worst of generations of mentally children, as well as adults and I think this lack of help stared about ten to twelve years ago. Laws changed and more mentally ill were homeless, at one point surrounding a building which is meant to help those with mental problems.
        But this SYSTEM. This FREAKIN' system !!! Now that a lawmaker has been killed will it change ? Can you escape beig mentally ill ? No you can't. IT does run in families as does drug and alcohol abuse, and stemming from that is violence and sexual abuse. STOP THE FUGGIN CYCLE !!!

       There is mental health court so now a child as young as twelve can go to mental health court and pretty much escape punishment by being hospitalized as well as adults. Yet inside their minds they know how to operate the system and no one, well not many are thinking of those related to those killed. SO many kids are smart enough to do anything they want knowing-what can they do to me and some go a step further saying, it's already been done. What they are talking about is being abandoned or abused by parents and ending up in foster care or being adopted and back into care.
         How can they be expected to live a so called normal life when they never attached to mom and dad? Good old mom and dad, self absorbed to go on to have more kids and start a new life. It happens over and over again.
         I was just told of  a ten year old who beat his adoptive mom close to death with a bat. What happened to him? Nothing. He is ten and still at home. They system will not take him back into care as he is too violent so where does he belong ? My opinion. He needs to be locked up somewhere so society can be safe. YOU Bleeding hearts out there Say, oh the poor kid-sure, it's sad, but what about all, and I do man all of the others who live with him and have to worry about their own lives every day ? WHAT ABOUT THEM ?
        Do not be fooled by cute faces and kids as well as adults, young adults who constant smile. They are pretending. They are hiding. They want and need something which will either harm themselves or someone else. They live on a edge that others in an outer circle know nothing about. Those in the inner circle such as friends and family do know, but as young adults, many times families live in a state of pretense and that doesn't help the child or the family.
     Those in the inner circle are abuser of any kind telling themselves they are just having fun. WHO Will you lose today because of pretense, lack of mental health, denying anything is wrong, popularity and having friends, uh, so called friends ? START AN AGENCY. THE MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM IN AMERICA IS NOT WORKING. It may work for some when started early enough and they illness isn't so severe. For God's sake, and more FOR YOUR CHILD'S SAKE AND YOURS insert yourself into their adult lives as well as teen lives. Scare the crap out of friends. Have real groups , meetings anything in your home to keep your child close and healthy.
    Do anything you can do. Isn't your life worth it ? Isn't your child's life worth it ?

I Met This Guy...

     Something you never want to hear from your daughters..but if they start with mom, dad I want you to meet this wonderful man, then give it a chance. Yes, okay some good things start with, I met this guy...but start so early with your sons and daughters to say, if they respect you and you respect them, they will come to meet me and not hide from all the questions you as parents need to, must, have to ask.
     If not...if your kids don't agree thinking you're just old fashioned, then get the bloodhounds on this new person in their lives. You the parent's need information on their backgrounds to make as sure as you can, that your child, no matter how old or young, no matter how educated they are, but won't tell you about this new person, then it's up to you. Track down friends, hangouts, look at the license plate and find out. Alienate bad influences by making yourself known as the parent who is checking up, as the parents who loves so much, you not going to give your child up so easily to garbage, the kind of garbage we see every day in life, on TV, getting locked up and in the streets.
   Love of all kinds, is expensive. It takes time and it takes lives. This is your child. Don't let the streets and garbage- type of people take your child. I know most think, well my child is a child no longer. Would you say the same if your child dies? Your child is always your baby girl or baby boy. That's what love is. It's our jobs to make the filth, the garbage, the invaders of goodness who want to destroy by making your child like them, invisible but known and known too, that you are there for one reason only-to protect your child.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Brown Boxes, Bags and SHOES !!!

       I just read about brown recluse spiders getting into shoes-yuck and so if you step into your shoes without picking them up and shaking them out or using a dust cloth etc. YOU may get bitten and infected.
      As I read this article I remembered a woman who told me about boxes. She was cleaning out a closet and was bitten by a spider and I think she said  brown spider.This is in Pennsylvania. The spider bit her on the calf. She didn't pay any attention to it not knowing the horrible end results. Over the next few weeks involved with cleaning and moving as well as preoccupied with her husband's cancer she forgot all about that bite. But the bite didn't forget her.
     Settling in to her new home, she started to see swelling and itching as well as pain. Off to the doctor who didn't recognize this as a spider bite he treated her with a mild cream, telling her to give it about a week.
      A week later the pain became more intense, but yet again she was so involved with her husband and his treatments for cancer, going back and forth to New York, she kept putting off another visit to the doctor. She started to limp and returning home saw the doctor who now treated her with a more aggressive antibiotic. Now the swelling traveled up her calf to the knee.
       Some time after the last treatment she found herself in an emergency room. Her leg was so infected she now needed her leg to be amputated just above the knee. I never would have know this if it wasn't for a little by asking one of those intrusive and inquisitive questions.
    Please be careful. Spiders hide everywhere and in this day and age we don't like to use pest control. There are natural ways to keep spiders out, but the best way is  not to store bags, boxes, dust a lot, use natural oils and peppermint and check inside of your shoes before putting them on. They love dark places .

Monday, November 18, 2013

It Is Well With My Soul

       A few days ago I heard that song for the first time. I sat with a church assembly for the funeral of my niece and along side of me sat my daughter and a nephew  with his wife and a brother with his wife. My brothers and their wives were all over. We, my daughter and I sat in back of my sister, her husband and sons.
      I read the words, but not much. They and Laura's death just didn't make any sense. Two other songs were requested and most likely by her brothers knowing Laura would love those songs as would many. One was, Bridge Over Troubled Waters and the other by Josh Groban, You Raise Me up. Both heart breakers, but more than that is the breaking hearts of those who lost a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a niece and a friend.
     But it is Well in My Soul ? Who's Soul ? Maybe I am lost with this or maybe I am reading that it, her death has been accepted by family. No, That I don't believe, so I can only imagine that Laura's death has brought a peace to her own soul.
The death of a child, no matter how young or old cannot be the will of God. So why? A time for everything under the sun ? No, I don't accept that.
     Everyone remembers the last time they saw Laura and where they were and never thought in a million years it would be the last time. But everyone who was close to her knows what they gave, what they offered and who they were to Laura counted and in turn makes Laura count even more, and just as important was what Laura offered, not expecting anything in return, as things should be.

     My last time I saw Laura I was about to get in my car and she called out to me, Aunt Nancy ! Aunt Nancy ! I turned and saw her, so happy were we both to see one another again. Never did it enter my mind that I would never see her alive again. It was a while since the last time we saw each other. So I only want to end this with:
make things well in your own soul and make the last time, every time you see someone, use kinds words, words you won't be sorry for and words you know has left a good feeling with the other person-or say nothing.
      Good bye Laura. We will all miss you for  a very long time.
Love Aunt Nancy

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Alec Baldwin's Rght to Free Speech-Just Isn't

       I Just read about Alec Baldwins latest tirade with a photographer-so someone tell me why he was punished? He aimed this at an annoying photo person and we know they think they have all the rights and everyone else doesn't have any. We know how they report and so what. Alec Baldwin called him a name people have been using forever. Yes, I hate that name but if he wasn't a celebrity, this just wouldn't be made an issue of as with others like Anderson Cooper, simply because he's Gay. I like and enjoy Cooper, but holy crap , you get special attention because you're gay? That's crap too!
      Photographers, you are a bunch of butt holes who go after him. He really loves it because you stupid asses, keep, keeping him in the public eye. SO he has a filthy mouth and uses words which sound anti-gay. You dumb asses ! It is how you take it-unless of course the photographer was gay, then it becomes a whole other animal. Wake up jerks. Stop giving him what he wants, an image.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Etzwiler Funeral, York Pa.

       My recent experience tells me to let people know to thoroughly ask questions about every step of the process. This involved a mom losing a daughter. Near the end of the service we were told to move over to another isle by the female owner. Maybe it's time for her to quit knowing this is a very sensitive business, this lady showed no compassion only a curt way of explaining why we had to move and even that her explanation was sharp. That woman needs a reminder slap of reality.
      Here's the worst part. The parents were ushered out of the sanctuary while the coffin was closed. I have never witnessed anything like this before yesterday. They don't just close the coffin, but use some kind of tool and unwind as you would a cloth awning. It was terrible. Then they fold in the quilted parts to cover which usually hang over the the coffin. Once it appears the coffin is closed they lean on it to ensure it is closed and another person has a key to lock it. This was awful to witness, not just a simple closing.
     There was also a great big teddy bear sitting on teh coffin throught the service. One of teh funeral males, picked it up and let it hang at his side like an old rag. He could have and should have sat it at the church step near the coffin until all was done or at least carried it with some respect.

      Personally I think this funeral home failed a family and many other.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Mom's Final Good -Bye

     How does she do it? How will it go? What about the dad? Many people just think to support the mother, but what about the dad's ? Women are expected to fall apart because they carried their child but what about dad?  Then there are those in the background, such as extended family and friends. No one knows the enormous pain when it comes to the death of someone you love.
      Where are the right words and do you dare say them after such a loss of a child ? I can't even touch on the edge of what pain is when a parent loses their baby and by baby I mean the child, age doesn't matter.
     Gut wrenching cries can and will be heard. Dark clothes worn, swollen eyes and heads bowed and a hand, a hand holding a wrinkled tissue, knowing the day is ending and my child will be buried in the cold hard ground, never to be held again. Thanksgiving is almost here and her child won't be. Dad will silently cry to be strong for mom and brothers will cry but hold back, again to be strong for mom. They go home at the end of the day and cry for the lost sister, the last smiles, the jokes and the holidays.
    Unopened gifts for Christmas already bought... sit. Everything remains as if she is going to walk in the room. But she won't. She's gone. No more phone calls, Hi mom, I love you, so whattca doing? Where's dad? No more having tea together, just, no more. There will be thoughts of extending the funeral to keep her closer, longer.. yet we know we only have days left, to say good-bye.
    How does the heart ache mend ? It doesn't. It only changes over time. God ? I was told not to mention that God even has a purpose for this loss, so I won't. What purpose is there in losing a child ?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Time Heals all...No it doesn't-Death of a Child

      Like many who have lost someone they love, during that time people say all kinds of things, and only because they want to help. They care about you and   for them there is a need for you to make them feel better. Isn' that strange ? This is as always my opinion.
     Of course God always comes into this. Parents who lose a child, no matter the age can't bear to hear others say anything closely related to God, unless of course it goes like this: A much older person, a person going through a long terminal illness, a person who has suffered on and off all through life:Those situations are a little easier to accept as God's will, and they're in a better place now, they no longer feel any pain, they're watching over us...on and on.
     But what about the children ? The children who are only four year old or thirty-four, two or twenty-two; It changes immensely. Still there are those who have unending, unyielding faith that they just know, they know, God has a plan.
     For others who have stated they are believers but then death takes their child, believing changes to bull crap and how could God take my baby, my beautiful sweet, giving baby girl ? How do those parents get through and heal. I don't think they ever do. Time only lessens the amount of pain, and that time comes with being able to stay busy and let go,
a laugh here and there,
a smile once in a while
a cry when you say good-bye
sharing without caring

let go, let go, never let go!

Good-bye Laura, We all miss you now and I'm sending you back a laugh that you shared with us so many times. Dance Laura and laugh...Love Always is

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Dedicated to Laura-Memories

Dear Laura

    We all know parents aren't supposed to lose their kids no matter how old you are. I spoke to your mom tonight and it was too long in a sad way because you're gone. You know she is shattered as is your dad and brothers and Lily will miss you too.

     Laura I know you don't remember this but before you were born I called your mom and told her I dreamed she had a baby girl with blond curly hair and two months later you were born. We are a big family of mostly boys so when girls are born, well, need I say more ?
      You were your cousin Jenny's best friend growing up. Many times you came here to visit and you and Jenny played boss and employee or school and sometimes you two cooked. Remember the kitchen scene, flour all over, but boy you two laughed, and were so happy silly. I was the lucky Aunt, as I would listen to yo say, but aunt Nancy don't you think..., always with a slight accent, again being silly.
        What about the trip your mom let us have to Chincoteaque ? That was a ball. You, me and Jenny took off on a such a kool and fun trip. You and Jenny. Mike of course was in the Army that summer. I just talked to Mike Laura and he is broken hearted too over losing you. He is coming in, to be with us all soon.
     Soooo Laura as we talked with saying sooo Aunt Nancy, that day at my house with Jenny, a hot summer's day and we talked about going on an adventure. I said why not ? You guys wanna go? All we have to do is ask Aunt Denise. Laura you jumped up and said, Aunt Nancy do you mean it, Jenny does she mean it. Jenny said, Laura my mom always means it. Laura, you laughed and said I love you Aunt Nancy, I'm calling my mom to ask if i can go.
     You got on the phone  and asked- and you were smiling as your mom asked if you needed money and extra clothes. You told her you had clothes but would like extra money. We all Laughed and stopped by her work. She gave you spending money and I talked to her on the phone, said, I'll watch her and take good care of her. That's so much easier when you're little, so much. Once you had extra spending money and we were on the road, a lot of singing and laughing went on.
     You and Jenny would wash each others legs on the second floor of the motel balcony, making designs and giggling and I was the lucky one. I took it all in. I am so thankful your mom let me have as much time with you as we did. Laura, I loved you. When it was time to leave, we started out with you in pajama's, telling me you were tired and they were the kind you can wear outside. So what I though as we drove on. You and Jenny fell asleep as I drove. We stopped for a late lunch and your hair was everywhere. Your thick blond hair was flying in the ocean breezes. We stopped at Rehoboth, played in the sand, went into shops and just had fun. Back in the car and finishing chocolate ice creams, you again fell asleep, still in PJ's.
       Some hours later I stopped for gas and supper. Waking you, now Jenny in the front seat, you popped up, hair all over the place and a chocolate face. Jenny stared laughing like crazy as I looked and smiled. We called your mom along the way to let her know we were on our way back. I asked if you wanted to wash your face and you said, Oh Aunt Nancy, this is the latest style, always quick and Jenny again bust out laughing. Well sometime about four-thirty we got home and what a great spur of the moment trip it was.
               There were trips to New York, but one special trip we stayed at The Waldorf. Remember that one? Three females getting ready for dinner, lights go out, too many hairdryers, and before that they gave us a wrong room, one with one bed and a bidet. Laura you were a joy about the bidet, asked if it was a fancy sink. But your hair just wouldn't dry. Now I call again to the font desk and this time they fixed our dinner reservation at Ill Cortile's in Little Italy and gave us a Limo for the night.
        Life was going by too fast as Jenny and then you got your driver's license's.
But we still had one more trip to take before you two became officially grown young women. We took a cruise. Laura you gave us such good memories. I heard someone say on TV tonight, all that's important is health, love and good memories. We sure had our share.
      So there were were again, asking your mom to let you come on a cruise. Now Mike lived in Erie and there was a purpose. Laura you never met her but he married a wonderful girl, Kelly and has two sons. Anyway your mom said yes, and off we went to buy gowns for you and Jenny. We took Royal Caribbean for for nights. I have a picture of you that gives me nice memories and of course so does Jenny.
     Jenny will miss you for  a long time Laura, and of course so will Vinny, Miles, mom and Dad. This doesn't make any sense at all, none. Death never does especially when you were so young.What will live on forever are the wonderful memories, your smile, your heart and goodness. You are loved so much Laura.

Childs Totes w/ Access. & Skirt bag

Both Child totes are 9.95 plus 2.50 s&h-The skirt bag is11.95 plus 2.50 s&h Can be paid  through doozybags at pay pal

Thursday, November 7, 2013


       Since having cable this past month, all I see is shows selling crap, same shows on different channels and the show I do enjoy I can get on a plain old antenna, FREE, so I called comcast to take it out.
       Well I made a stop on the QVC channel and see rubbery looking women's shoes, kinda of cute like we wore in second grade. Why do they sell so much women's crap ? DO they think women spend more on crap, that they're stupid ? Well I didn't have any intention of buying them anyway but really want to know where they're made. They were ready.
         The first question is what's your number, meaning the number of the item. That operator didn't even say hello. I gave the number and I think she called them mudd shoes, not sure. But I do know how rubbery they were as QVC showed them being bent head to toe :) and pretty colors.
         Does that mean we should spend American money on a product made in China ? Again? and again ? When will it stop ? When we say, no, I don't want it , once they tell you it's isn't made here in America. WHO benefits ? China and the product business owner, not us. Not an American citi-zen.
     When will it stop ? When we say no, I don't want it.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Grr.. BAd Bagged Fruit Giants York pa.

   I was cutting up all kinds of salad vegetables and ready to add some fruit when I opened what I thought was a fresh bag of oranges which I will never do again, buy bagged fruit. Out pops at the very bottom an ugly molded orange and then I see about four more ready to turn. This was a mixed bag for sure. Looking closer now that the mesh was off and the one side of uncovered advertisements I see how this was intentionally  all mixed with different kinds of oranges, not all naval as stated.
   Well let me clarify that. I don't know exactly what a naval orange is , on that Naval oranges usually have a nice appearance and quality taste. these were two different sizes. So yes, I am going back on a Sunday morning to return them. My gas and time cannot be returned but I do think Giant offers a double price back when this happens. Well not double back, your first investment and that same price, so a little extra which still doesn't pay for inconvenience alone.
   Never again will I buy bagged fruits.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Master Chef Junior-What Great Kids

     So where does it come from ? Those kids and their talents and the want to, the drive to do so well comes from where or who. If I remember correctly every child on that show had someone in the family who is either a chef, owner of a restaurant or has a family member who loves to cook. Eight years old is the youngest one.
     These kids entered a contest to win one hundred thousand and from the start I hoped it would end with Alexander and Dorah/Dora ? Those two especially stood out as kids who were more kind in general. to be honest I thought a fix was in for Jack because of the compliments he received from all the chefs in the beginning, seemingly more personal, made me think his father was station owner etc.
      I wish somehow both kids would each receive one hundred thousand as a first time show, but I know only one winner. But come on guys, make a second place like thirty thou. My vote is for Alexander from day one-but I think these chefs will give it to Dora/Dorah/Dara-you know the way Ramsey pronounces names.

50 Shades of Rev. James Robison :)

     I just thought. I don't really know if he's a rev. or not but watching his show this morning with a guest who's selling his book-aren't they all, well it was funny and if I had a book to hawk, I would try to so whatever.
     So, the guest a nice looking man in his late forty's mid-fifties spoke about seven things you can do to get on he right track in marriage and he was interesting-I know so interesting ya don't even know his name.Well screw you, I'm too busy-lol
     Then that guy made some nice points about people in general and what had me laughing is the fact that this distinguished looking Jim Robison brought up 50 shades of grey/gray. I was watching his wife's face, a sweet little woman, and yup, we know about sweet little woman. Well she was looking at him adoringly as she always does, appearing like a prop. Sorry wife I don't mean to sound mean, but why don't you talk more? It's Jim's show ? SO go home or out. Do things you want to do. I know he almost cheated. That doesn't mean you have to be his stage prop.
       Okay back to Jim and his shades of gray. With his hands in the air he talked about dissatisfied husbands and wive in the bedroom ( not his words ) and how so many have bought that book, and he didn't read it. That's where I see Betty his wife looking at him like-Oh please Jim, read it, please ?
    The bottom line was that spouses should not be influenced by society telling them what to do, when to do, how to do and with who/m, that as long as you have mutual respect, honor each others boundaries and talk, talk and talk some more to one another, you will be fine. Now Betty, go buy Jim the book.-lol