Sunday, November 24, 2013

Saliva on Duck Calls? Duck Dynasty

   That Robertson family show is entertaining and I enjoy it from time to time-all of them. But people, come on now. Have you watched how they test the duck calls?
      Each and every one is blowing, in one of those guys' mouths. SPIT-Saliva-germs, and, who knows what else. Si drinks tea all day and night, makes ducks call, drinks tea, back washes? ...and yep into a duck call.
     Can't they use some kind of machine or machines. There are machines to blow up balloons, why not duck calls? Uh, just thought of one very important thing...maybe this is a guy thing, like peeing and leaving the seat up, or missing the pot completely. Washes hands after restrooms? Handling duck calls?

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