Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Calling all Bears

       Hey Peeps, They don't judge

            I am asking for bears. I will buy and accept for free. Some I buy to be honest I will use on my web site where I sell (joke sorta-rarely sell) bags and will put a bag in a bear, but only those I buy and only small ones.
    Right now I have three huge bears and about ten small ones. I bought them all and am buying about 20 more next week, well maybe ten, I'll see. One lady will be giving me about ten also next week and letting me buy one.
    The purpose of this is: As fast as I can sew, I am making bags and blankets, will wrap a bear in a blanket or put him-or her-in a bag that I made and give away to women and young girls in crisis situations. I know one young lady who it helped very much during lonely times to have a bear to hug.
    So some of you know where I live and many don't, but contact me at  I will be glad to pick them up, wanting to start New Years off with a BEAR HUG
    I will probablt post this every evening :) Thank you

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