Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Selig, A-rod and a KID !!!! Throw the garbage out !

        Isn't baseball about kids and their dreams ? What kind of a loser uses a kid to think he's placing attention on A-Rod?
       Selig should be put in the hall of shame. What ever A-Rod has or hasn't done is no reason to use a kid. What kind of impression does this leave on that boy? We talk as parents and also as base ball players and coaches to be good sports. This is not what a good sport does. This is not good adult leadership. Lead by example ? HELL no!!!
     Selig needs to get a huge fine for using a child this way. Last note, what does this also say about the boy's parents and for the sake of argument, let's say the parents weren't there and this happened. Then the parents need to take action against a cowardly, misjudged action against a grown and wealthy business who used a kid. If the parents were there, where are there morals, unless they were paid, and again, where are there morals. fine them too. This boy has to know and learn this was so wrong on Selig's part.
   As far as A-Rod goes, if he broke the law, deal with that. These sports players need to be thrown out of the game, first offense ! Why, because they are grown men who know right from wrong and kids are watching and listening to arguments of adults as to why they should be given second and third chances.
   When kids see and hear what they do, they think that if they do wrong, and knowingly, they too should be given more chances with very little consequences.
There are too many young people who can play any sports game and not get involved in beating/assaulting women, who don't get into drugs, and DUI"S and more. Too many sport celebrities are good guys and gals. Reward them by throwing out the garbage !!! Stop accepting mediocre !

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