Friday, November 1, 2013

Master Chef Junior-What Great Kids

     So where does it come from ? Those kids and their talents and the want to, the drive to do so well comes from where or who. If I remember correctly every child on that show had someone in the family who is either a chef, owner of a restaurant or has a family member who loves to cook. Eight years old is the youngest one.
     These kids entered a contest to win one hundred thousand and from the start I hoped it would end with Alexander and Dorah/Dora ? Those two especially stood out as kids who were more kind in general. to be honest I thought a fix was in for Jack because of the compliments he received from all the chefs in the beginning, seemingly more personal, made me think his father was station owner etc.
      I wish somehow both kids would each receive one hundred thousand as a first time show, but I know only one winner. But come on guys, make a second place like thirty thou. My vote is for Alexander from day one-but I think these chefs will give it to Dora/Dorah/Dara-you know the way Ramsey pronounces names.

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