Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kids Dying for HElP=MHMR

      We have the worst of generations of mentally children, as well as adults and I think this lack of help stared about ten to twelve years ago. Laws changed and more mentally ill were homeless, at one point surrounding a building which is meant to help those with mental problems.
        But this SYSTEM. This FREAKIN' system !!! Now that a lawmaker has been killed will it change ? Can you escape beig mentally ill ? No you can't. IT does run in families as does drug and alcohol abuse, and stemming from that is violence and sexual abuse. STOP THE FUGGIN CYCLE !!!

       There is mental health court so now a child as young as twelve can go to mental health court and pretty much escape punishment by being hospitalized as well as adults. Yet inside their minds they know how to operate the system and no one, well not many are thinking of those related to those killed. SO many kids are smart enough to do anything they want knowing-what can they do to me and some go a step further saying, it's already been done. What they are talking about is being abandoned or abused by parents and ending up in foster care or being adopted and back into care.
         How can they be expected to live a so called normal life when they never attached to mom and dad? Good old mom and dad, self absorbed to go on to have more kids and start a new life. It happens over and over again.
         I was just told of  a ten year old who beat his adoptive mom close to death with a bat. What happened to him? Nothing. He is ten and still at home. They system will not take him back into care as he is too violent so where does he belong ? My opinion. He needs to be locked up somewhere so society can be safe. YOU Bleeding hearts out there Say, oh the poor kid-sure, it's sad, but what about all, and I do man all of the others who live with him and have to worry about their own lives every day ? WHAT ABOUT THEM ?
        Do not be fooled by cute faces and kids as well as adults, young adults who constant smile. They are pretending. They are hiding. They want and need something which will either harm themselves or someone else. They live on a edge that others in an outer circle know nothing about. Those in the inner circle such as friends and family do know, but as young adults, many times families live in a state of pretense and that doesn't help the child or the family.
     Those in the inner circle are abuser of any kind telling themselves they are just having fun. WHO Will you lose today because of pretense, lack of mental health, denying anything is wrong, popularity and having friends, uh, so called friends ? START AN AGENCY. THE MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM IN AMERICA IS NOT WORKING. It may work for some when started early enough and they illness isn't so severe. For God's sake, and more FOR YOUR CHILD'S SAKE AND YOURS insert yourself into their adult lives as well as teen lives. Scare the crap out of friends. Have real groups , meetings anything in your home to keep your child close and healthy.
    Do anything you can do. Isn't your life worth it ? Isn't your child's life worth it ?

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