Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Brown Boxes, Bags and SHOES !!!

       I just read about brown recluse spiders getting into shoes-yuck and so if you step into your shoes without picking them up and shaking them out or using a dust cloth etc. YOU may get bitten and infected.
      As I read this article I remembered a woman who told me about boxes. She was cleaning out a closet and was bitten by a spider and I think she said  brown spider.This is in Pennsylvania. The spider bit her on the calf. She didn't pay any attention to it not knowing the horrible end results. Over the next few weeks involved with cleaning and moving as well as preoccupied with her husband's cancer she forgot all about that bite. But the bite didn't forget her.
     Settling in to her new home, she started to see swelling and itching as well as pain. Off to the doctor who didn't recognize this as a spider bite he treated her with a mild cream, telling her to give it about a week.
      A week later the pain became more intense, but yet again she was so involved with her husband and his treatments for cancer, going back and forth to New York, she kept putting off another visit to the doctor. She started to limp and returning home saw the doctor who now treated her with a more aggressive antibiotic. Now the swelling traveled up her calf to the knee.
       Some time after the last treatment she found herself in an emergency room. Her leg was so infected she now needed her leg to be amputated just above the knee. I never would have know this if it wasn't for a little by asking one of those intrusive and inquisitive questions.
    Please be careful. Spiders hide everywhere and in this day and age we don't like to use pest control. There are natural ways to keep spiders out, but the best way is  not to store bags, boxes, dust a lot, use natural oils and peppermint and check inside of your shoes before putting them on. They love dark places .

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