Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Mom's Final Good -Bye

     How does she do it? How will it go? What about the dad? Many people just think to support the mother, but what about the dad's ? Women are expected to fall apart because they carried their child but what about dad?  Then there are those in the background, such as extended family and friends. No one knows the enormous pain when it comes to the death of someone you love.
      Where are the right words and do you dare say them after such a loss of a child ? I can't even touch on the edge of what pain is when a parent loses their baby and by baby I mean the child, age doesn't matter.
     Gut wrenching cries can and will be heard. Dark clothes worn, swollen eyes and heads bowed and a hand, a hand holding a wrinkled tissue, knowing the day is ending and my child will be buried in the cold hard ground, never to be held again. Thanksgiving is almost here and her child won't be. Dad will silently cry to be strong for mom and brothers will cry but hold back, again to be strong for mom. They go home at the end of the day and cry for the lost sister, the last smiles, the jokes and the holidays.
    Unopened gifts for Christmas already bought... sit. Everything remains as if she is going to walk in the room. But she won't. She's gone. No more phone calls, Hi mom, I love you, so whattca doing? Where's dad? No more having tea together, just, no more. There will be thoughts of extending the funeral to keep her closer, longer.. yet we know we only have days left, to say good-bye.
    How does the heart ache mend ? It doesn't. It only changes over time. God ? I was told not to mention that God even has a purpose for this loss, so I won't. What purpose is there in losing a child ?

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