Friday, November 15, 2013

Etzwiler Funeral, York Pa.

       My recent experience tells me to let people know to thoroughly ask questions about every step of the process. This involved a mom losing a daughter. Near the end of the service we were told to move over to another isle by the female owner. Maybe it's time for her to quit knowing this is a very sensitive business, this lady showed no compassion only a curt way of explaining why we had to move and even that her explanation was sharp. That woman needs a reminder slap of reality.
      Here's the worst part. The parents were ushered out of the sanctuary while the coffin was closed. I have never witnessed anything like this before yesterday. They don't just close the coffin, but use some kind of tool and unwind as you would a cloth awning. It was terrible. Then they fold in the quilted parts to cover which usually hang over the the coffin. Once it appears the coffin is closed they lean on it to ensure it is closed and another person has a key to lock it. This was awful to witness, not just a simple closing.
     There was also a great big teddy bear sitting on teh coffin throught the service. One of teh funeral males, picked it up and let it hang at his side like an old rag. He could have and should have sat it at the church step near the coffin until all was done or at least carried it with some respect.

      Personally I think this funeral home failed a family and many other.

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