Monday, November 18, 2013

It Is Well With My Soul

       A few days ago I heard that song for the first time. I sat with a church assembly for the funeral of my niece and along side of me sat my daughter and a nephew  with his wife and a brother with his wife. My brothers and their wives were all over. We, my daughter and I sat in back of my sister, her husband and sons.
      I read the words, but not much. They and Laura's death just didn't make any sense. Two other songs were requested and most likely by her brothers knowing Laura would love those songs as would many. One was, Bridge Over Troubled Waters and the other by Josh Groban, You Raise Me up. Both heart breakers, but more than that is the breaking hearts of those who lost a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a niece and a friend.
     But it is Well in My Soul ? Who's Soul ? Maybe I am lost with this or maybe I am reading that it, her death has been accepted by family. No, That I don't believe, so I can only imagine that Laura's death has brought a peace to her own soul.
The death of a child, no matter how young or old cannot be the will of God. So why? A time for everything under the sun ? No, I don't accept that.
     Everyone remembers the last time they saw Laura and where they were and never thought in a million years it would be the last time. But everyone who was close to her knows what they gave, what they offered and who they were to Laura counted and in turn makes Laura count even more, and just as important was what Laura offered, not expecting anything in return, as things should be.

     My last time I saw Laura I was about to get in my car and she called out to me, Aunt Nancy ! Aunt Nancy ! I turned and saw her, so happy were we both to see one another again. Never did it enter my mind that I would never see her alive again. It was a while since the last time we saw each other. So I only want to end this with:
make things well in your own soul and make the last time, every time you see someone, use kinds words, words you won't be sorry for and words you know has left a good feeling with the other person-or say nothing.
      Good bye Laura. We will all miss you for  a very long time.
Love Aunt Nancy

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