Saturday, November 16, 2013

Alec Baldwin's Rght to Free Speech-Just Isn't

       I Just read about Alec Baldwins latest tirade with a photographer-so someone tell me why he was punished? He aimed this at an annoying photo person and we know they think they have all the rights and everyone else doesn't have any. We know how they report and so what. Alec Baldwin called him a name people have been using forever. Yes, I hate that name but if he wasn't a celebrity, this just wouldn't be made an issue of as with others like Anderson Cooper, simply because he's Gay. I like and enjoy Cooper, but holy crap , you get special attention because you're gay? That's crap too!
      Photographers, you are a bunch of butt holes who go after him. He really loves it because you stupid asses, keep, keeping him in the public eye. SO he has a filthy mouth and uses words which sound anti-gay. You dumb asses ! It is how you take it-unless of course the photographer was gay, then it becomes a whole other animal. Wake up jerks. Stop giving him what he wants, an image.

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