Friday, November 1, 2013

50 Shades of Rev. James Robison :)

     I just thought. I don't really know if he's a rev. or not but watching his show this morning with a guest who's selling his book-aren't they all, well it was funny and if I had a book to hawk, I would try to so whatever.
     So, the guest a nice looking man in his late forty's mid-fifties spoke about seven things you can do to get on he right track in marriage and he was interesting-I know so interesting ya don't even know his name.Well screw you, I'm too busy-lol
     Then that guy made some nice points about people in general and what had me laughing is the fact that this distinguished looking Jim Robison brought up 50 shades of grey/gray. I was watching his wife's face, a sweet little woman, and yup, we know about sweet little woman. Well she was looking at him adoringly as she always does, appearing like a prop. Sorry wife I don't mean to sound mean, but why don't you talk more? It's Jim's show ? SO go home or out. Do things you want to do. I know he almost cheated. That doesn't mean you have to be his stage prop.
       Okay back to Jim and his shades of gray. With his hands in the air he talked about dissatisfied husbands and wive in the bedroom ( not his words ) and how so many have bought that book, and he didn't read it. That's where I see Betty his wife looking at him like-Oh please Jim, read it, please ?
    The bottom line was that spouses should not be influenced by society telling them what to do, when to do, how to do and with who/m, that as long as you have mutual respect, honor each others boundaries and talk, talk and talk some more to one another, you will be fine. Now Betty, go buy Jim the book.-lol

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