Thursday, November 7, 2013


       Since having cable this past month, all I see is shows selling crap, same shows on different channels and the show I do enjoy I can get on a plain old antenna, FREE, so I called comcast to take it out.
       Well I made a stop on the QVC channel and see rubbery looking women's shoes, kinda of cute like we wore in second grade. Why do they sell so much women's crap ? DO they think women spend more on crap, that they're stupid ? Well I didn't have any intention of buying them anyway but really want to know where they're made. They were ready.
         The first question is what's your number, meaning the number of the item. That operator didn't even say hello. I gave the number and I think she called them mudd shoes, not sure. But I do know how rubbery they were as QVC showed them being bent head to toe :) and pretty colors.
         Does that mean we should spend American money on a product made in China ? Again? and again ? When will it stop ? When we say, no, I don't want it , once they tell you it's isn't made here in America. WHO benefits ? China and the product business owner, not us. Not an American citi-zen.
     When will it stop ? When we say no, I don't want it.

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