Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Smart Card Medical, We made it-don't use it

     I was listening and to some extent I still am. Stopping on PCN I see man standing, looking at  a screen and showing how in Taiwan patients walk in to see their doctors and hand in a smart card-we in the united states created this card !!! He is at Millersville University in Pa. The Smart Card, is what we created !!!
    It climates paperwork, time and much more. Here is how it works, simple as I stated, walk in hand the doctor the card. He or she inserts it into a card reader and all of the patients health information pops up on a screen. After treatment the bill is sent immediately to a company and is paid within a week.
   We are over 17 trillion in debt due to health care and our governments' mishandling the United States issues. What are they wasting our money on ? web sites? Robots would do a better job. Oh I forgot, when some guy/politician/woman stands up and states, I accept full responsibility-WHAT the FUG does that mean ? Not a FUGGING thing ! Why because they are just words-as usual. we tell kids to accept responsibility which also means a kind of consequence. What consequences do these phony Bull chitters get ? a Raise.

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