Monday, November 11, 2013

Time Heals all...No it doesn't-Death of a Child

      Like many who have lost someone they love, during that time people say all kinds of things, and only because they want to help. They care about you and   for them there is a need for you to make them feel better. Isn' that strange ? This is as always my opinion.
     Of course God always comes into this. Parents who lose a child, no matter the age can't bear to hear others say anything closely related to God, unless of course it goes like this: A much older person, a person going through a long terminal illness, a person who has suffered on and off all through life:Those situations are a little easier to accept as God's will, and they're in a better place now, they no longer feel any pain, they're watching over us...on and on.
     But what about the children ? The children who are only four year old or thirty-four, two or twenty-two; It changes immensely. Still there are those who have unending, unyielding faith that they just know, they know, God has a plan.
     For others who have stated they are believers but then death takes their child, believing changes to bull crap and how could God take my baby, my beautiful sweet, giving baby girl ? How do those parents get through and heal. I don't think they ever do. Time only lessens the amount of pain, and that time comes with being able to stay busy and let go,
a laugh here and there,
a smile once in a while
a cry when you say good-bye
sharing without caring

let go, let go, never let go!

Good-bye Laura, We all miss you now and I'm sending you back a laugh that you shared with us so many times. Dance Laura and laugh...Love Always is

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