Saturday, November 23, 2013

It Only Takes You

       How much we have or how little we have, we have a lot if someone loves us, if everyone has reasonably good health and if you haven't recently lost someone, then you and I have a lot.  But if any of these things affect you or someone you know, then what do you do? What?
       I don't know what really but I do know those who have a real serious faith do much better than those who don't. How do we believe someone is in heaven when they didn't lead a heavenly life you might ask...well, maybe because they had a heavenly heart. Only God really knows.
     Right now I know a man who cares for his uncle's needs in many ways and the uncle is in his eighties. This man is fighting cancer, yet he runs, walks, golfs and who knows what more he's doing. The nephews is so proud of his uncle. That's also faith. They just never quit.
        Now there are hungry people, and people who simply need a friend. Just be careful how you approach them. People have pride and don't like charity. Yes, I know pride goeth before the fall. Haven't we all tripped one time or another? Still there are also people who are lonely, lonely in their own family and those who are so wealthy they become cold hearted and sometimes the poor are as bad, due to pride, but find a way and not because it's a holiday, but because we are human.
        Know too that many people do not have any religious affiliation at all, don't believe in God at all or a higher power. It takes one moment of friendship,one small miracle, one birth, one saved life to show that miracles to come. That works the opposite when someone dies especially a young person. How do you tell a mom or dad and more that there is a purpose to this, much less God had a hand in it? You don't. You let them grieve and talk out as they need to, say what they feel and be there, for  a very long time.
          Remember if someone loves you, even if they're not physically close you have more than many, so be more than many to just one person, any day of the year. Here's to you Victoria and Samantha !

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