Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Obama & Duck Dynasty

      One thing they have in common. They wear fatigues or disguises. I just read how Warren Buffet would just redo the whole omama don't care act an a woman who wrote a book and who read the complete 2572 pages of this crapola tells how, you, well some may beat this crap. Yet she also tells how seniors citizens better get things done now like knee surgery, knee replacements, cataract surgery and more before Obama don't care covers planet USA.
      Of course and as usual the people who like this have friends or family who have been affected by it in a positive way, but the majority of us won't be. Companies have already dropped insurance for employees and many more will do the same and cut hours.
     Now let's put Obama and his whole bunch of cronies or phonies in the swamp with those duck dynasty guys. Let's see who recovers first. Strip away their money, cars, credit cards, fancy parties, salons, manicures, vacations, big bank accounts and medical coverage and switch to the  area before duck dynasty became rich. Let them live like everyday people from a part of the country where real people live.
    Or, put them in the guts of New York, let them find a job, starting with forty bucks in their pocket and sleep ten to a one room apartment like those who come from Pakistan to drive cabs, open seven elevens etc. Nothing else, just forty bucks, no drivers license, no haircuts, no fancy clothes and see how they manage. Better yet make them street sweepers. Isn't that what this government is doing to us, sweeping our rights away?

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