Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I Met This Guy...

     Something you never want to hear from your daughters..but if they start with mom, dad I want you to meet this wonderful man, then give it a chance. Yes, okay some good things start with, I met this guy...but start so early with your sons and daughters to say, if they respect you and you respect them, they will come to meet me and not hide from all the questions you as parents need to, must, have to ask.
     If not...if your kids don't agree thinking you're just old fashioned, then get the bloodhounds on this new person in their lives. You the parent's need information on their backgrounds to make as sure as you can, that your child, no matter how old or young, no matter how educated they are, but won't tell you about this new person, then it's up to you. Track down friends, hangouts, look at the license plate and find out. Alienate bad influences by making yourself known as the parent who is checking up, as the parents who loves so much, you not going to give your child up so easily to garbage, the kind of garbage we see every day in life, on TV, getting locked up and in the streets.
   Love of all kinds, is expensive. It takes time and it takes lives. This is your child. Don't let the streets and garbage- type of people take your child. I know most think, well my child is a child no longer. Would you say the same if your child dies? Your child is always your baby girl or baby boy. That's what love is. It's our jobs to make the filth, the garbage, the invaders of goodness who want to destroy by making your child like them, invisible but known and known too, that you are there for one reason only-to protect your child.

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