Saturday, October 26, 2013

Live Raw by Mimi Kirk, sooo good

    Okay I don't get the hands coming together like that, but seems a lot of people are doing it as if they forgot what they were taught, if this is about prayer.
    Now to the book. Out of boredom the other day I picked this up off the shelf, never opened it as I was more interested in wood stuff. I took it home anyway with another veggie book I barely glanced at. That one is going back asap.
     This morning, I opened Live Raw. This is so well done I am anxious to jump start myself by making smoothies. A few she has on one page just have three and four ingredients, not like so many others who have six, seven and eight. With that I might as well make a great salad.
     Live Raw is more than eating raw. It's about your life and what we got away from, how to redo things and I know most of us won't use all of what's in any book, because we are we and unless you move three thousand miles away to some island, it's close to impossible to make as many changes as books suggest.
      My plan for today is after visiting a boy who is away to go right to my grocery store by my home, a health food store to jump start fresh foods. I already have nuts, raisins and frozen berries, so all I need is celery, kale and spinach and yes, some apples. This book is on amazon and I did order it. But for now a library copy will work just fine. Try it, you might like it and isn't this great weather to get things in gear. One last bike will be on the road again soon too.

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