Friday, October 18, 2013

Victims ? of Poor Choices

    That is a statement made by a young college man? boy who was charged with College rape and of course as it happens most times alcohol was involved. There isn't any sense in going into anymore details. This is just to keep it  public that kids who are new to college and those parties, go with and stay with a friend. Also for a first party make sure not to drink. In that way you can better judge about what really goes on, then maybe you won't be back. If you do and you feel you just have to drink, limit it to two. Have a friend who wants to stay and drink more? Then be  a friend and stay by her side all night. Don't let a guy or  a few guys take her into a room and lock you out. If that happens, call the police. BE a real friend. Don't become a real victim. Stay sober, stay intact, stay away.
     One last reminder. VIDEOS ...once they are posted, they don't go away.
Boys this will ruin your lives too.

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