Thursday, October 3, 2013

Giving Away Christmas

   Each year as I get older I think about how Christmas affects us and no this isn't some crazy old lady crap that you don't care about. Well the crazy old lady part may very well be :) I knew and realized this as a kid too.

   While it's early enough make a list for those who count in your life. Make another list for those in need who you can do something for, weather it be a new winter coat or gently used, a pair of warm boots for a homeless person or gloves for a bunch of kids.
    Think about how you and the people around you celebrate Christmas. Is it drinking ? Does that really mess it up ? Many times it does as alcohol causes carelessness. Do fights begin and someone storms out half drunk only to be killed or kill, or maim someone else while drunk driving ? Sometimes as bad is that so friendly drunk who only wants a few, yet impaired, gets in the car, turns the ignition on a two thousand pound or more vehicle only to have hit an oncoming car with kids in it.
     It's just a little while later someone will get a call. Come to the hospital. No, they never tell you over the phone. They take you in a small room, hand you the clothing the driver wore last and tell you that your child is dead, and he hit a car and killed three other people. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

    I've seen drunks at Christmas, supposedly a day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. But for those of us who drink, it isn't Christmas because you gave it away when you started drinking..

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