Sunday, October 27, 2013

Joel Osteen's STORY today, not original

     Switching channels I came upon Joel Osteen and seemed more to focus on his well done hair, good looks and his eyes. I watch his eyes a lot for sincerity yet we know that isn't always a sign of, whatever it is we look for.
    Suddenly a story caught my full attention. This story has been around a while but Mr. Osteen made it current and put a different spin on it so hearing that, with me anyway made me wonder, is this the only thing he puts a spin on. It was The famous McDonald Story where a mom who claimed to be Christian didn't want her young son paying attention to a person who appeared to be homeless and the boy wanted his mom to buy the man a breakfast.
    In Joel's story he made this about a baby who ends up in the mans arms reaching for him as the woman was paying. Now we all know you pay when you order, to start with and who in the world is going to let, allow her baby to go into the arms of a stranger? Good try Joel...people are watching, cynical people and some who just want to watch and listen, but will listen no more because of stories like this.
   This article won't make one difference to those who love Joel Osteen or Osteen himself and that isn't my purpose. I am just listening, observing. Think I'll stick to Dr. Stanley and a local minister for truth, no dramatics and sincerity. Osteen is so wealthy he doesn't need another sinner.

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