Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cabela's Glitch ,Medical Tax/excise

      Tonight I received an e mail from a trusted friend. However this came from someone etc etc. So looking closer I wasn't sure this was quite right, so I checked as much as possible myself. I went to a Publications link, didn't see the term Medical Devices in the Publication at all. So I called Cabela's main office and was passed from on e person to another. The last person put me on hold while she checked this out.
      She came back on explaining it this way. This was a glitch, and people were charged but as soon as we found out we refunded their money and have fixed it. My question is, how does such a glitch happen ? Is it done on purpose to make either Cabela's look bad, or to have Obama & Pelosi look bad. As far as I'm concerned they all look bad, but something like this is just another way of saying, screw you America, we'll tax you anyway we can. That  as I see it  simply comes from the very rich Congress men and women who serve ?
    Who are they serving but each other. Imagine buying a fishing pole and being taxed as a medical excise tax ? I guess if you catch a fish hook in the wrong direction like up your ass, you might meed some medical attention, but for sure, not at Cabela's.

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