Monday, October 28, 2013

Autism-The Amazing Kids Club-Do You Have One ?

     I live not far from a place called The Amazing Kids Club. It's a place for kids, ages up to twenty or twenty -two to come to who have some form of autism. They must however be diagnosed with PDD to get in, at least here with this particular club. If they do not have that diagnosis, a doctor once explained to, will usually make it so.
      In this club there are also many parents involved and they call themselves FOAK, Friends of Amazing Kids. Whatever you need to know, they can tell you or find out weather it be concerned about devices, insurance, therapy and making friends as well as being so supportive of one another. The guy who leads this group last time I went there was a vet and beside his twin sons who are autistic, this man is patient, stern, strong, smart and aware of what parents face as much as what is ahead for these kids.
    This club is in Hanover Pennsylvania. I've looked them up to see where others are available as I wanted one closer to home-don't we all. Hanover was the best choice and so I am glad to have had some time with them, learned about the club, the people who work there and the kids. They have an after school program as well as after school.
   This club offers computers, am inside trampoline, a room with crafts,a touch room and so much more. Summertime arrives and kids get to go out to parks, an ice cream day etc. They also learn life skills at the club.
     If you don't have one where you live, get some people together, get grants and start one. You won't be sorry

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