Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bring Back Spankings & The Electric Chair

      I know the bible says, Thou Shalt Not Kill, and so if you're a believer, you/we do not bring back the chair, but we have to change a whole lot of rules such as this CRAPOLA about cruel and unusual punishment concerned with prisoners ! People, they are there to be punished ! Cruel and unusual ? Ask the victims what they were put through by the criminals. Imagine a gun put to your head or your child kidnapped, another raped, yet another with a throat slashed.
    We forget too easily about the victims and seem to remember the criminals more because of their bleeding heart lawyers. Throw the F'n Lawyers in jail with them and see how they might rethink what's cruel and what's unusual.
     Yes, I know we live in a country where everyone is entitled to a lawyer. So what if we do this. Found guilty without a doubt-DEPORT THEM TO THE WORST COUNTRY WE KNOW OF.
       How many kids will continue to kill until something is seriously changed?  Then they usually go to either a psych hospital, or a Juvenile facility until eight, then re-evaluated for possible freedom. So let's start very young. You do wrong mom and dad tries a to talk to you. You continue to do the same thing wrong, you get a spanking and no television. Third time, a real good spanking. Take all or any electronics away for six months. One more time, donate all electronics. By then and really maybe way before the second time, that very young child will change and this BS about letting a kid call the cops and the cops come and say well mom or dad you cannot hit your child. The cop should come and smack him or her over their big mouth. The kid that is and i mom or dad say oh no they didn't mean it-then punch mom and dad in the face for wasting a cops time.
   Thank you all and have a peaceful night.

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