Sunday, October 6, 2013

Foster Care & Adoption, an Easier Way

      There are many posts on line with people looking for a child to adopt, and usually they want a .baby. Why? Because they think  a baby has a better chance of growing up normally. But does the parent who is about to sign over the child tell a full truth as to, did they really use drugs, or drink alcohol? Those things are sometimes never revealed.
    So why not start as a pre-adoptive foster parent. There are so many kids who need good homes. Guarantees? Can you guarantee you're a perfect person, so how would a child?
    Please take time, call local foster care agencies, ask every question you should prior to a meeting, have written down. Foster parents are paid, and depending on what agency or county it's all different and they're are levels of care. Pay depends on that too, as it should. Even if you average it out to a twenty-four hour day, well you'd be surprised.
    Yet it's well worth it especially if you are looking to adopt a child who wants you as much as you want them. Many new adoptive parents don't know this next thing. If you adopt through a foster care agency, you will continue to receive an adoption stipend, helping with every day living until your child is either eighteen or possible twenty-two, in college.
     A last note about that perfect child you're searching for. How many parents who have had their own biological children, started out doing everything right are now visiting their kids in jail, or going to schools just made for trouble makers, dealing drugs, become alcoholics and worse, run-a-ways, not even knowing where there kids are.
    Take time, go slow. A child is waiting just for you.

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