Sunday, October 27, 2013

Make a Life Right For You-do NOT Quit

      Have you felt like just quitting ? Quitting everything and everyone ? Well I did some years ago, but I only gave up what was unhealthy for me, which was some people. That in itself made me healthier. Today I am reminded that I need to go further, but I don't want to quit things. I only want to make it better, do it better. I never quit and hate quitting.
       I get so frustrated that I have a web site and don't sell, but I keep trying new things, new colors, sizes, phrases, and even lower prices a lot ! But I don't and won't quit.

       This morning on Sunday Morning TV I was reminded about Making your life right for you. I don't know you or what it will take to make you happy and have a happy life, but don't quit, just, well not just, but keep looking, trying, walking , seeking and searching.
      What is keeping you stick? Money, a person, home and you're afraid to take that next challenging step. Look at this...have you known a young person who is or has died? If they had more time how would they live, change things if they knew they were dying? What if you were dying ? You would find a way to take that trip, tell someone what you felt you couldn't before, do a crazy dance and yes, I know you wouldn't move because we need to be close to those we love at that time-just don't quit and settle into a life you are miserable in !
     Keep walking ahead.

By The web site will be remade by a person who helps in Tmebanking. She has offered to do this for free. Can you imagine? This is Time Banking. Look it up and pitch in, help, serve and become part of a community and receive.
Have a new Day :)

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