Tuesday, October 22, 2013

HIre Americans, not Illegal Immigrants

       This was about medical insurance to start with. On a news informational show last night an emergency room showed all kinds of people from one walk of life. Hard working, Americans whose Insurance has been affected by OBAMA DON'T CARE.
       One man sitting and waiting was a carpet installer and stated he made 3.25 per square yard to install for the last thirty years and then recently was told by his employer, "A bunch of Mexicans moved in close by and they work cheaper." CRUDE yes, but so wrong as we all know. So what's the answer. It's easy for me to say sitting here to Just hire AMERICANS...but how do you prove who is an immigrant and who isn't?
 I'm not too sure except to state that you want it in writing if you even suspect immigrants have been hired instead of an AMERICAN. So what kinds of jobs are we looking at. I am just looking at typical jobs as I know it.
     Landscaping-With this you have to be sure, very sure. I knew two brothers in Fresno who are Mexican, born and raised in the US who started their own lawn business at fourteen. I know another friend whose husband is a landscaper and is Spanish, so we can't just say, hey you have to be an immigrant.
    Movers and haulers-ask for a license and referrals. We don't want to be a racist society and target someone who "Looks" like an immigrant. We also don't want to only look at the Hispanic community. Check out the Russian's and so many others who are coming into the USA without doing it legal.
     Hotel Staff
Floor Installers
  Just be as careful as you can. American born here as well as immigrants who have come in legally should always have presence over anyone else.
       That man sitting in a hospital emergency waiting room without insurance because he lost his job to illegal immigrants remains.
    Hire someone who knows someone, friend, family, church , neighbor or local store references. Do your homework.

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