Thursday, October 3, 2013

This Old Bag...Boy Was I Surprised

     Yesterday I went to what is knows as an RTF, Residential Treatment Facility to visit a child. While there he asked me to have lunch with him. Oh yah, you betcha ! We sat, talked, asked questions back and forth, and even giggled. It was a nice time to share. Knowing I might spend some time with him I brought along paints, canvases, brushes, rags and a jar of water, wanting to be fully prepared.
    As we were leaving and he showed me the way out, where to place trays and silverware, I passed a table where a female was loudly and grossly burping but not anything many kids including myself haven't done-and still do on occasion.
     I turned and said to her, "good one.". Another female told her she was disgusting. This was a table of older teens. She looked at me , smiled and said, "I like your bag ! Will you make me one?" It was one I planned to sell but needed to pack up the painting supplies quickly and leave. I just shrugged and left as I was being nudged to go.
     But this morning as I was working on my doozybags site, I knew what I planned to do. I am going to try very hard to make two bags a week (I am easily distracted) one to sell and one to give away to those kids. Many don't ever have  visitors except caseworkers or other social workers trying to find a home to accept them.
     As an added thought I am asking you to take a look at my site which if I sell more I can make more to give away. But to be honest I will give away anyway.
Thanks for stopping by. Isn't life a Doozy ?

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